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I'mmmm Backkkk...

Lyme Lens

Hey everyone, remember me??? I'm the girl who wrote this blog diligently until the "Hockey Hacker" ruined what was a perfectly good thing that I had going. Let me explain. One day, I was minding my own business and I signed on to write a blog like I occasionally do and when the screen came on all I could see was pages and pages of commentary about professional HOCKEY of all things!!! On a website created for the chronically ill!!! What was this jerk thinking??

He was good too. He had written blogs and blogs of material ahead of time and was releasing it on a time schedule so I could never keep up with him. As soon as I took stuff down, he was all up in my face with 5 more posts before I knew it!! He had sports memorabilia that he was selling on my site with professional hockey jerseys, all the latest stats on the games, the players, the teams and even the fantasy hockey league stuff. Heck, if I wasn't interested more in saving my 100 blog posts and more into hockey, I probably could have started laying down some cash in Vegas on some of this guy's picks because he really knew what he was talking about!

Turns out that he was from China and I have no idea how he thought LymeLens was a good name for a Hockey website but either way, he latched on to my site like an engorged tick and there was no shaking him. My brother happens to be a pretty good computer programmer and in between him AND the domain site that was monitoring my site, they could not lose this guy. They went all the way back a year into my blogs and erased footprints that the guy could have used to access my site and they still could not find his point of entry. It was so bad that after 4 months of trying, my brother decided to pull the entire blog from that last domain company and rebuild it on a stronger security website to protect me from this guy in the future.

A couple of months later, my brother had all of my blogs back up on the Wix site but I had a temporary name change to which I hated because the whole point was that people knew me as simply and it had been that way for YEARS! I even wrote that name as my byline in the book we just finished so I am pretty well known for being attached to that nametag. This "Hockey Hacker" had really done a hat trick on me and my namesake. I was devastated.

So, it took us longer than we expected but some good came out of it. During the time we were gone, Facebook opened up it's strict rules about only having one page per person and they have allowed a second page for business reasons and a personal blog counts as a business site so now there is a LymeLens Facebook page out there where all of my blogs will also post after I have written them. There will also be more photos on that page because there is more room to show tham off and there will be small little hello blurbs more often than these long posts, simply because I visit FB more often. It is still under construction so bear with me.

Also, this page is still under construction too. I used to have the ability to apply tags at the bottom of each post and then put each post in a category so you could find these posts easily and also find specific topics easily when perusing the blog. That remains pretty messed up. When the blog posts transferred over, ALL of the tags and the categories were erased!!! Therefore, I have to go back into 100 blog posts by hand and try to re-create categories and some of the tags by memory. I have CHRONIC LYME DISEASE....I can't remember the last time I ate something!!! How am I going to pull this off???

Lastly, I am working on making you a news section on the bottom of the blog site through something called RSS Feeds. You will be able to just go to the bottom of the blog and see the latest news in the world of Lyme Disease from the site linked right to my site. Then I was thinking that the center space might be World news and the right side might be local news. If you have recommendations for the RSS feeds let me know. I am committed to the Lyme site on the left but the other two are open for discussion. Maybe we could put Western Medicine treatments in the center and holistic medicine treatments on the right? There are lots of things that I can do with that bottom section so I am thinking on it but the RSS feed from is a definite.

OK, so that is the news right now. We have been working very hard since last fall to undo the damage that one person can do when they take over your established website and in doing so, we are trying to make it better and more advanced for you. We have brought in the connection to the Facebook page, a private messenger page where you can write to me with personal questions etc, an email address that comes directly to my eyes only -- to write to me if you need to, news sources right on the page so you don't have to go looking for resources and most importantly... a SAFE and HACKER-FREE blog site so you are at NO RISK from any corruption to your own computer systems and you can enjoy visiting

I hope that you come and visit as often as you like and for now, start reading at the bottom and work your way up is my suggestion until I can get the rest of this darn thing organized ok?? That is the chronological way to read this blog and it will make more sense to you that way. Welcome to the newcomers and to my faithful following, NOTHING would keep me from coming back to you my friends. Not even professional hockey.

Ahhhhh, it's good to be home.


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