I never knew that when I wrote my previous post about the unconditional love of our pets that it would be only days later that our family would be saying goodbye to yet another beloved member. This morning, my brother has the awful task of bringing his faithful companion to the animal hospital so Zeke can make the final journey across the Rainbow Bridge. He found out a few short weeks ago that his dear pup had tumors growing in his neck and chest which were likely cancer. It was only a matter of time. I know that Dan thought there would be more time to spend with his fur-ever friend but the deterioration came much too quickly.
Zeke has been a part of our family for a long time now (I am guessing about 12 years) and he has brought immense joy to us all. From his happy-go-lucky demeanor to his flying through the air to catch a Frisbee, he was always at Dan’s side. He originally lived on a dairy farm and was not very good at herding cattle so he came to be a family dog in a home in New Hampshire then moved to a house in Maine where he a had an enormous yard to run around and play. He grew up rough housing with two young boys and was a champion at fly ball but it was no secret that Dan was his “person.”
Whenever Dan would be in his study working on the computer, Zeke could be found lying at his feet. If Dan was playing his guitar to unwind, you would always find Zeke listening intently as if he was learning every note. All the solitary walks at night were made better because Zeke was at Dan’s side. He even traveled long distances on car trips every time they went to visit family far away or simply on vacations. He was never left behind because he was just that… part of the family.
Zeke was an extraordinary dog and a wonderful companion to my brother. I know that Dan’s heart will be breaking this morning when he has to say goodbye. There was only one other dog that meant so much to Dan (his name was Jacob) and I remember how difficult it was for my kind-hearted brother to help him cross the Bridge. Today will be a devastating day up there in Maine and we wish that we could be with him. I hope he knows how much our hearts are hurting for him. Pa-Zeke-eee was nicknamed long ago and there will never be another dog quite like him.
Go run and play in peace and without pain dear Zeke. Meet up with Jacob, Bosco, Meisha, Tiki, Mittens, Millie and all our beloved furbabies that have taken a piece of our hearts with you when you have gone. We look forward to the day when we see you again. To my dear, kind, caring, compassionate brother: You are the best daddy any pet could ever have. I hope that your heart mends soon. We love you.