We are in our new place, surrounded by boxes, but I am loving it so far. I have finally been able to get a couple days of rest and my body is thanking me. I didn’t realize just how tired I was until I finally stopped. There are bruises all over my arms from carrying boxes and miscellaneous scratches from Lord knows what but no major injuries from the move. My Mom is suffering quite a bit because she continues to unpack without stopping to rest. It’s in her nature to just keep pushing until the entire job is done so nothing I can say will make her sit down.
We have our bathrooms pretty well set up, our bedrooms are functional but still need a lot of work and the kitchen is coming along nicely thanks to Mom. I hooked up the cable in two out of three rooms, the internet is set up, the phones are working and a lot of boxes have been emptied, broken down and are outta here! I would say that for three days of work, things are moving along, especially since I haven’t been much help because I have been in bed quite a bit trying to recover. Hopefully, I will have a little bit more energy tomorrow so I can get back in the game of unpacking.
There are still a lot of things that we need in order to move forward with the unpacking. We have a storage shed but we need some metal shelving for it and some plastic bags before we can put anything in there because it is outside and not temperature controlled. We have to be careful about what we store in there given that temperatures in the summertime down here can be well over 100 degrees. We also have to protect against any bug infestations with anything that we store in that closet so we will have to wrap everything in sealable plastic bags. Better safe than sorry.
All in all, the complex seems nice. It has been relatively quiet, which is what we were looking for and we feel safe here even though we are on the first floor. I have never lived on the first floor before out of concern for personal safety but this apartment has an intrusion alarm so that is comforting. We are in a nice neighborhood anyways so I don’t feel too worried. The people that we have encountered have all been really pleasant so I think that we will be happy here.
There is one yappy dog next door but we don’t hear him too much when we are in the apartment and there is a toddler upstairs who occasionally runs across the ceiling but he isn’t too bad. So, like I was saying…so far, so good at the new apartment. Let’s hope it stays that way.